Billy's Thoughts

Losing Weight

Posted on Sep 12, 2022 — 7 mins read

I’m currently writing this post in Singapore, at the beginning of a vacation in Southeast Asia to attend my close friends’ wedding, and also to enjoy lots and lots of yummy food (Hainanese chicken rice, curry chicken noodles, kaya toast, nasi lemak, mee goreng, roti canai, chili crab, etc.).

Prior to the trip I’d finally started making consistent progress on losing some weight. I reached a low of 180 lbs, a milestone I’d only been able to hit a few times in the last 10 years. Woo!

Alas, I know I’ll be eating much more on this trip than in my usual day-to-day in SF. I’ll definitely, absolutely gain a few pounds (Narrator: it was more like 5-6). And I’m OK with that; I want to eat a lot on this trip and enjoy all the delicious local food, and I also know I’ll be able to work my weight back down once I’m home and on my normal routine again.

But this post isn’t about how to lose weight. Or at least not like in a “5 Weight Loss Hacks You Need To Try” kind of way. No, this post is about all the thoughts and feelings and history so many of us have surrounding the topic of weight and weight loss. For me it’s my messy entangled web of my relationships with: food, my physical body, my body image, how I view myself, how I think I’m viewed, goal-setting, failure, habits, cultural and societal bloatware, and more.

(E.g. even at 180 lbs, I fall into the BMI category of ‘Overweight’. Not a particularly useful measure IMO, but it’s one that I’ve had applied to me since I was a kid. I also happen to weigh more than *I* would like to, and I’ve been working to change that, also roughly since I was a kid.)

Trying to make change within this context has been quite hairy! I cycled through the typical New Year’s Resolution type of process of trying to change something (e.g. diet, exercise), failing due to emotional reasons or logistical reasons or both, beating myself up about failing, avoidance, processing, then trying again / trying a different tactic. And nothing seemed to really work. But then all of a sudden, it did.

I realize now that in the years (years!) I’ve been trying, I’ve come to understand myself better and I have slowly been changing my relationships with food, body image, how I view myself, and change management. And I’ve started carving out a path of less and less resistance to continue losing weight–I found some combination of things that work for me, and that I can keep up.

What didn’t work for me

Lifting to lose weight

Cutting / eating clean

Counting calories / macros

What has worked for me (all in conjunction, I think)

Lifting to gain muscle to look and feel good

Learning tidbits about food science, diet, satiety

Intermittent Fasting (IF)


Cooking at home


This is a surprising amount of factors! But I do think each piece has its role to play in getting me to where I am today with something that works for me.

Onto 180 lbs again, and then onto my ultimate dream of being under 15% body fat :). Meanwhile, who knows how this all might break out into more chaos along the way.