Billy's Thoughts

Overthinking: Having a Comments Section

Posted on Aug 5, 2024 — 1 mins read

I like my static HTML generator blog. It’s slick, it’s lightweight, I think it’s cute. I can render it on my local without an internet connection and write posts on airplanes like I’m doing with this one.

But one thing this blog doesn’t have is a (nice and easy way to set up a) comments section.1

But also, who tf is even reading this blog lol such that there would be a lively comments section. Why am I worried about this at this stage of this product?

Because of what it symbolizes, what it could lead to: responses, discussion, Being Perceived.

But also, if people really did want to reach out and chat about a post, they’d find me, friction be damned.

I don’t think a comments section is really consequential right now, it’s just an ego insecurity thing. We’ll deal with it if/when it becomes a problem.

And actually a better avenue to Being Perceived is to just post more, and increase my surface area that way.

  1. And I like the amount of control I have over things far too much to move to, say, Substack which provides this for you ↩︎