Billy's Thoughts

Overthinking: Vacation

Posted on Aug 29, 2024 — 2 mins read

Since its inception, my France trip has sort of been a plan of conflict.

A chance to watch the Olympics live? Hell yeah! 1
A chance to live out a childhood dream of residing in France for a couple months? Hell yeah!!
Except August is also the most excited I’ve been to go all-in on spinning up a coaching business… which I can’t really do while I’m on vacation in France.

I had another experience this past year of feeling guilt/FOMO about taking a vacation when I wanted to be working on projects, and what helped greatly was introspecting and processing and coming to accept that (1) yes I would like to work on projects, but (2) I also want this vacation and to have a good time and that time is also a gift to myself, so let me consciously choose this trade-off so I can be fully present on my vacation to enjoy it to the fullest.

I tried to reach that same acceptance this time too buuuuut it didn’t really work. So now I’m one week into the final leg of my trip (a month-long stay in Paris) and there’s this pit of discomfort that’s found itself in my stomach.

If I work (fun), I also think “well why the hell am I wasting resources staying in Paris if I’m just going to be inside my airbnb all day?”
If I go sightseeing (fun), I also think “OK, but I’m kinda hitting my limit on my sightseeing. Also I feel like I’m just consuming, when I want to be producing.”

If I cook for myself in my airbnb (fun, healthy), I also think “why am I sitting here eating chicken breast?”
If I eat out (yum), I also think “this is starting to get a bit indulgent, in food or cost or both”

One thing that still feels good though, whether in Paris or SF, is hitting the gym and getting those post-workout endorphins. Writing feels good too.

I’m not entirely sure where to go from here, but I’m figuring it out. Some scattered thoughts include:

Anyway, I’m going to shower (I’m writing this post-gym) and then go outside and touch grass. Then we’ll see what else I feel like doing.

  1. I never actually considered the idea of going to watch the Olympics in person until 2019 when I saw you could sign up for the Tokyo 2020 ticket lottery. But once it seemed within the realm of possibility I was hooked. Especially for Tokyo. It was double the treat, like indulging in a two-scoop ice cream cone at the store instead of a single. Of course, Tokyo 2020 didn’t pan out and my tickets got refunded. Then came Paris 2024, a second double treat opportunity… ↩︎

  2. I often notice that I look back fondly on times when my schedule is so packed that I don’t really have time to sit and ponder (and overthink, probably). But is that just a form of running away? You can’t hide from yourself and your thoughts forever. And I think it’d be nice to get to the point of being able to sit alone, with no plans, and be at peace. ↩︎